"My hypnosis experience was deeply insightful and healing. I went in curious about my past lives and came out transformed, with a greater understanding about myself and the world." ~Shawn Barry
"Anna guides you to become your highest self through hypnosis. The blocks I put before me were made clear and then removed during my hypnosis with her. She is amazingly intuitive in guiding you through this journey of self-realization." ~Crystal Mantecón
"Anna is the perfect person to safely accompany someone on their journey" ~Brianne Gates
"Amazing, amazing, amazing event last night, dear Anna. I came into it with high expectations actually, and you even surpassed those.
So many of my friends are asking me about it, so I hope that I can refer a lot of people to you either for your next event or for you to do personal one-on-one regressions with. So I really wanted to thank you for sharing your spirit and energy with us last night.
Also, please let me know how I can pre-order your book! Much Love & Light, Peter" ~Peter Soby
"Anna and I spent a lot of time together, and what I experienced was beyond extraordinary! Now two days later, I am fully able to experience the effects of our work. Anna took me through the timeline of my past lives, allowing me to see just how volatile past life karma can be. The cords were cut, and the path in front of me is much clearer! So many blessings!" ~Bryan R.
"Anna's 'past-life regressions' are truly amazing, mine particularly was exceedingly healing, and for that I'm sooooo grateful!! I was once a Scandinavian sailor and drowned at sea, yet it was 'unresolved' - Anna steered me to a beautiful resolution and therefore was particularly healing - THANK YOU ANNA!! ...How brilliant your gift is." ~Martin Dunkerton
"Anna’s sessions are very rewarding. I learned so much about myself. She does an excellent job making you feel comfortable, relaxed, and at peace. Highly recommend her." ~Joel Kiskila
"Anna has done 3 past life regressions for me, and each time I saw me vividly with my past relationships, feeling the deep emotion, as felt in the past lives, helping me explain my present relationships. I have tried other hypnotherapists, but I never went as deep as with Anna. She is simply the best." ~Sushil Kapur
"Anna guides you to become your highest self through hypnosis. The blocks I put before me were made clear and then removed during my hypnosis with her. She is amazingly intuitive in guiding you through this journey of self-realization."
~Crystal Mantecón
"My experience with Anna Took me to a place I had felt in my being, as I was able to see myself in the past life regression it became clear to me that we are indeed infinite beings gathering timeless wisdom and experience. Thank you Anna -Infinitely grateful always" ~ Amaya Javier
"I just want to say thank you for what you've brought to my world. You played a giant role in helping me turn a corner into a more positive and rewarding space this year. I'm looking forward to a much bigger year of abundance and fun." ~Robert R.
Anna the session last night was amazing. I feel like whatever was trying to get me was neutralized by your magic. You really have the gift of healing in your hands. We'll do it again soon. Peace/love"
~Jesse B.
"I loved my Past-life Regression session with Anna! She is genuine, caring and gentle with the hypnosis process, and I got to experience myself in another lifetime... that was deeply healing for me, I am so very grateful! " ~Brielle Bataille
"Thank you Goddess for a such an incredible experience, what a gift you have!:)♥" ~Trinity Om, after a group Past-Life Regression in Venice
"What an * * *A*M*A*Z*I*N*G* * * *EXPERIENCE* I had last night ~ very Vivid & etched in my Heart, Body & Consciousness * * Such a Gift * * I felt like I taped into Higher Dimensions of myself & I know where the Doorway is and I have the key * * Thanks Anna for making this Happen * * and to All that came for Creating the High Vibration Energy Pool * *" ~Rich Karou, after a group Past-Life Regression in Venice
"Thank you for the session today....I appreciate you taking the time to outline how the levels of consciousness are interoperable and how hypnosis is the bridge to the generally unavailable" ~Mark Wallrapp
"Thank you for yesterday's session and to relay in brief, some profound developments of the last 24 hrs. Without delving into all the details... I experienced a very fortuitous chain of events since we met-- that led this afternoon to an unforseen encounter with a very well known actor who will likely be my first casting choice for my film. The fundamental link that made this chance event come together? The bird that flew into my face. No joke! Synchronicity, indeed. It's a very convoluted story, but I am utterly convinced that your influence and what it's accessed in me certainly played a key role-- so for that, I wanted to thank you. Thought you'd appreciate the anecdote. I wish you a wonderful rest of your week"
~Jason Perlman
"Anna, has a profound capability of guiding individuals into their deepest inner states. My experience with her truly opened up the many records that live inside my blue print and with her gentle reassurance I was able to witness both the dark and the light aspects of my souls evolution, bringing about more clarity and joy in my life today. Thanks Anna." ~ Jennifer Partridge
"I loved my past life regression! i learned so much about why I do some of the things i have done my whole life... This was a very helpful thing in my life~ thank you!"
~Hans Haveron
"As closely as I am able to examine the motivations involved, I find the benefits of this type of exploration outweigh the pitfalls. For all these reasons, I greatly appreciate the confidentiality and open mind and heart that you have offered to me in the process. I don't know if I can adequately express my gratitude. I would like to meet again to continue this exploration." ~Mike S.
"I slept from 5pm to 7am and feel very peaceful & calm & positive with EVERYTHING right now. Thank you!" ~Rick Karou
Anna you asked me who I look up to... and the one person I can think of now is You. You inspire me and help me with my healing in so many ways. Thank you for all that you do, I feel a strong positive change after seeing you" ~Arsen K.
"My hypnosis treatment with Anna was the first experience I encountered in the field of hypnotherapy. After performing a subtle ritual to initiate a state of relaxation and imagination, Anna served as a guide to lead me into the subject of interest—the cold. Ever since I could remember, cold weather has made me feel a sort of discomfort and displeasure. While in this hypnotic state Anna was able serve as an inquisitive interface with which I could better communicate with the cold, which was simply an aspect of myself that I was not accepting. I realized that the external world (outside of my body) and the internal world (inside my body) were always wishing to communicate with each other as to maintain a state of stasis, and that by closing myself off from this communication (the communication of the cold), I was restricting the achievement of such balance. In summary, my hypnosis experience helped me to reopen the gates of communication to an aspect of myself that I had subconsciously closed off for a most of my life. Thanks Anna!" ~Zachary James Corzine
"My sessions with Anna brought me so much more insight than I expected. I was completely transported to past-life memories that were extremely vivid and detailed. Because of Anna's expert guidance and therapeutic approach, I learned a tremendous amount about why I chose to re-visit these particular past existences, and what they mean to me in my current life. The whole experience was relaxing and enlightening, and I would definitely do it again."
~Claudette Powell
"My hypnosis treatment with Anna was the first experience I encountered in the field of hypnotherapy. After performing a subtle ritual to initiate a state of relaxation and imagination, Anna served as a guide to lead me into the subject of interest—the cold. Ever since I could remember, cold weather has made me feel a sort of discomfort and displeasure. While in this hypnotic state Anna was able serve as an inquisitive interface with which I could better communicate with the cold, which was simply an aspect of myself that I was not accepting. I realized that the external world (outside of my body) and the internal world (inside my body) were always wishing to communicate with each other as to maintain a state of stasis, and that by closing myself off from this communication (the communication of the cold), I was restricting the achievement of such balance. In summary, my hypnosis experience helped me to reopen the gates of communication to an aspect of myself that I had subconsciously closed off for a most of my life. Thanks Anna!"
~Zachary James Corzine
"Anna’s sessions are very rewarding. I learned so much about myself. She does an excellent job making you feel comfortable, relaxed, and at peace. Highly recommend her." ~Joel Kiskila
"Thank you for the hypnosis. I do know who I am. Glad you were able to understand that I am an empath and I can read people's thoughts. You pretty much can tell that. The hypnosis helped me out a lot. I know I can create things with my thoughts and my minds and words. Thank you for letting me know that I am a powerful person." ~Robert H.
I have been working with Anna Maria Panici since March of this year as a client of her hypnotherapy practice. She is one of the most skilled practitioners iv had the pleasure to work with. She easily makes you feel comfortable as she takes you into regions of your subconscious mind allowing for deep healing to occur. There are many Hypnotherapists out there, in my opinion, Anna is one of the best. If you've never tried Hypnotherapy before, Anna can offer you a great first time experience." ~Dr. Steven Schwartz